Sustainable transport for a better world.

Aid and Development Organisations & (Road) Safety Culture

Delivering humanitarian aid to communities effectively is core to the work of development and aid organisations. Staff who deliver aid often work in stressful and dangerous conditions in areas that are unstable and with limited infrastructure. Crashes pose a risk to individual drivers, an organisation’s reputation and its ability to deliver aid effectively.

Yet the impact of road crashes on humanitarian organisations is not well understood. Incidents are often managed on an individual basis, with limited data collected and analysed to identify opportunities for systemic change.

By understanding the risks and impacts of poor road safety, organisations can take steps to monitor incidents, improve practice, build trust with communities and reduce risk, developing a safety culture.

In 2022, Fleet Forum, funded by the UPS Foundation, conducted research into the effectiveness of road safety interventions. The research included:

  1. A review of existing evidence and studies from 2011 to 2022
  2. Interviews and focus groups with 15 participants from 13 humanitarian aid and development organisations

This report explores the question of how aid and development organisations manage road safety, investigating leadership practices, policies and road safety systems. It sets out findings and recommendations to develop a road safety culture.

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