- UN: Guidance Note for the United Nations System to Implement Sustainable Fleet Management
- ICRC: Garage Waste Management SOP
- UPS: Global commitment to road safety excellence
- MSI: Developing your fleet manual
- MSF: Road safety flyer
- UNICEF: Fleet sharing proof of concept
- World Vision: How to turn drivers into ambassadors
- UNHCR: Introducing global fleet management
- WFP: HIV/AIDS training for transport workers
- Shell: Implementing Road Safety Programmes for Success
- WFP: Greening the last mile
- Green NCAP: Environmental performance vehicle rating
- Johnson & Johnson: Decentralised fleet management
- INSEAD: Continuous improvement in fleet management
- UNGSC: Waste management
- CRS: Setting fleet standards and KPIs
- Zurich Risk Engineering: How technology can reduce your collisions
- INSEAD: Building fleet management capacity drivers improvements
- APM Terminals: Changing behaviour through storytelling
- UNHCR: Fleet management in high-risk countries
- CRS: Tool to determine truck capacity
- ACF: Motorbike fleet management tools
- Pilot Concern Lebanon E-Bikes: Driving Sustainable Mobility for Aid and Development Organisations
- IMC: Maximising Fleet Efficiency Through Occupancy Rate Tracking
- IMC's Green Vehicle Selection Using Comparative Bids Analysis Template