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Pooling Logistics Resources

In 2019, the Réseau Logistique Humanitaire (Humanitarian Logistics Network- RLH) conducted a study, not only on the objective of effectiveness, but also on improving aid’s cost effectiveness. It was submitted to the international community as a discussion document, made up of concrete ideas designed to make current logistics practices evolve towards collaboration and pooling.

  • Logistics is the backbone of humanitarian aid, representing 60 to 80% of expenditure and a major starting point for improving operations cost effectiveness
  • The limited logistics capacity of the countries where humanitarian interventions are carried out requires more collaboration between organisations to optimise existing resources 
  • Extending the use of pooling practices would allow last mile logistics to be optimised and avoid the duplication of costs. Therefore, in coming years, we could see the creation of joint procurement and supply platforms, systematic pooling of transport and storage, as well as shared human resources. 
  • Each dollar invested in preparedness, as a part of disaster risk management, could save seven dollars in emergency response 
  • The highest level of governance of each organisation must commit to implementing collaboration practices. In order to achieve this, it is essential that these organisations pledge to share technical expertise and light vehicles by 2021

The full report can be found on ReliefWeb

The Réseau Logistique Humanitaire (Humanitarian Logistics Network- RLH) is a consortium created in 2014. Its main objective is to optimise humanitarian logistics and improve operational efficiency by developing a common strategy of resource sharing, advocacy and information sharing.

The RLH currently consists of eleven international humanitarian organisations, represented by their respective directors and logistics managers. It is also a forum for sharing knowledge and best practices concerning humanitarian logistics. 

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