Sustainable transport for a better world.

UNHCR Fleet Strategy

In 2013, the High Commissioner of the UN Refugee Agency launched the Global Fleet Management (GFM) project with the following aim:

“To provide UNHCR field offices and operations with appropriate, cost- effective, safe vehicles and professional fleet management services to support optimum programme delivery. “

Since January 2014, GFM has been providing insured vehicles to the UNHCR field operations on rental basis, managing maintenance and repair processes, and ensuring that depreciated vehicles are timely replaced. These programme components are supported by several GFM project teams based at the UNHCR Global Service Center in Budapest, Hungary, and recently from the Regional Support Center in Nairobi, Kenya.

The internal rental scheme is another cornerstone of the GFM project that centralizes risks and benefits of the fleet ownership within the organization. UNHCR field operations are no longer required to pay full acquisition prices for vehicles upfront but only pay for actual use of the vehicles they rent from GFM. Each field operation budgets the rental cost within their annual budget for as long as the vehicles are required. When a particular vehicle is no longer needed, the vehicle may be returned to the rental pool and payment will cease. The GFM manages the surplus vehicles and redeploys them as required UNHCR. After 5 years in operation or when exceeding 150,000 km, the rental vehicles are disposed of and replaced, if required.

The attached document contains the 5-year fleet strategy of UNHCR and can serve as an example for organisations who are developing their fleet strategy. 

Read more in the attached document: 

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