Sustainable transport for a better world.

Vehicle Sharing Between NGOs - A Starting Guide

In May 2022 Fleet Forum, with the support of USAID Bureau of Humanitarian Affairs, conducted a Proof of Concept ‘Vehicle Sharing Between NGOs. The objectives are to reduce participating agencies’ fleet size, operations costs and environmental footprint, as well as exploring jointly new mobility modalities amongst participating organisations.

This is meant to be achieved by increasing the occupancy rate of partner agencies vehicles circulating on concurring roads in Lebanon, by optimizing use of existing resources (such as vehicles and dispatchers) and mechanisms (weekly movement plans), but as well by promoting vehicle sharing for staff commuting (home-office-home). 

As a result of the PoC Fleet Forum developed a Starting Guide, which provides practical guidance to NGOs who want to undertake similar initiatives in their country of operation.

In the attached files you can find the Guide as well as the Annexes which contain template such as MoU, SOPs, presentation materials and more. 

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